

Dentures services offered in San Antonio, TX

Dentures can improve your oral health and restore your smile if you’ve lost some or all of your natural teeth. At R&J Dental, a restorative dental clinic in San Antonio, Texas, general and family dentist Habib Rahemtulla, DDS, and his team partner with area denture labs to design and create partial and complete dentures. Call the office today to schedule a denture consultation, or book your appointment online.

Dentures Q&A

Are dentures the same as false teeth?

Yes. Dentures and false teeth are the same things. The removable oral appliances rest on top of your gums and replace some (or all) of your natural teeth.

Losing teeth to extractions or trauma isn’t just a cosmetic concern. Without teeth, you’re more likely to experience other oral health problems, including gum recession and bone decay. Dentures can reduce your risk of these and other issues and help you smile confidently.

What are the types of dentures?

Dr. Rahemtulla and the team offer several types of dentures, including:


Partial dentures

Consider partial dentures if you’ve lost three or more teeth in your upper or lower dental arch.

Partial dentures have a metal framework, similar to orthodontic retainers. The framework connects to small metal clasps and supports plastic gums and several false teeth.


Complete dentures

Complete dentures replace all the teeth in your upper or lower jaw. They have a metal baseplate, pink acrylic gums, and a row of false teeth. These dentures rest on top of your gums and are held in place with special glue. 


Implant-retained dentures

Implant-retained dentures are similar to complete dentures. The difference is that they attach to dental implants –– titanium screws surgically placed into your jaw.

Getting implant-retained dentures takes several months, but the results often last a lifetime with proper care.

What does getting dentures involve?

Getting dentures takes several visits.


Partial or complete dentures

Dr. Rahemtulla reviews your dental records, completes an oral exam, and takes 3D cone-beam computed tomography X-rays. You qualify for dentures if you’re missing two or more teeth and want to replace them.

Dr. Rahemtulla takes digital impressions of your mouth and sends them to a denture lab. The lab uses your impressions to design and manufacture dentures that fit perfectly.

When the lab finishes your dentures, several weeks later, you return to R&J Dental. After you try the dentures, the team makes adjustments and provides care instructions.


Implant-retained dentures

The process for getting implant-retained dentures is similar to getting partial or complete dentures. The difference is that you undergo implant-placement surgery first.

After implant placement, it takes several months for the screws to fuse with your bone. During that time, follow Dr. Rahemtulla’s recovery instructions and take any medication as prescribed.

What if I damage my dentures?

Dentures are tough and built to last, but they do experience wear-and-tear. If you damage your dentures, don’t worry. Simply call Dr. Rahemtulla. The team offers same-day care for dental emergencies and can prevent the issue from worsening.

Call R&J Dental today to schedule a denture consultation, or book your appointment online.