Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry services offered in San Antonio, TX

Cosmetic dentistry can enhance your smile and encourage good oral health. At R&J Dental, a restorative dental clinic in San Antonio, Texas, general and family dentist Habib Rahemtulla, DDS, and his team offer various cosmetic dental treatments, including composite fillings, one-day crowns, and teeth whitening. Call R&J Dental today if you want to improve your smile with cosmetic dentistry, or book your appointment online.

Cosmetic Dentistry Q&A

I chipped a tooth. Should I consider cosmetic dentistry?

Yes. Cosmetic dentistry provides a quick, convenient way to repair tooth damage, straighten your teeth, or change your smile’s appearance. 

At R&J Dental, Dr. Rahemtulla and the team offer various cosmetic treatments. They use a minimally invasive approach that encourages good oral health and functionality.

Are there different types of cosmetic dentistry?

Dr. Rahemtulla and the R&J Dental team offer the following cosmetic dentistry procedures:


Composite fillings

Fillings repair small holes or cavities in your teeth. Composite fillings are made of tooth-colored resin. They blend in with your smile and don’t present any of the risks associated with metal (amalgam) fillings.  


Dental bonding

Dental bonding uses composite resin to repair minor tooth damage. Dr. Rahemtulla applies the material to your damaged tooth during treatment, changing its size, shape, and/or color.


CEREC® one-day crowns

A CEREC one-day crown is a dental restoration bonded over a decaying or severely damaged tooth. The crown restores your chewing and biting abilities and prevents the need for an extraction.

R&J Dental has an onsite CEREC milling machine, allowing Dr. Rahemtulla and the team to make custom dental crowns in under an hour.



Veneers are thin porcelain shells bonded to the front of your teeth. They cover minor imperfections, such as pointy or smaller-than-average teeth, and make your smile symmetrical.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening removes stains caused by things like tobacco use, drinking coffee, or the natural aging process. Dr. Rahemtulla and the team offer professional teeth whitening in-office and take-home teeth whitening trays.


Dental implants

Dental implants are titanium posts inserted into your empty tooth sockets. After placement, they fuse with your bone, providing an artificial root for crowns, bridges, or implant-retained dentures.



Dentures are removable appliances that restore the functionality of your teeth. They rest comfortably on top of your gums and last 7-10 years on average.*


Smile Makeover

A smile makeover uses two or more cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve the appearance of your teeth or gums.

When developing treatment plans, Dr. Rahemtulla considers various factors, including your hair color, skin tone, and the width and shape of your teeth.

How do I maintain the results of cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic procedures require good oral health care and routine checkups. For example, teeth whitening lasts 4-6 months on average,* but you can keep your smile bright with routine maintenance at R&J Dental.

Call R&J Dental today to schedule a cosmetic dentistry appointment, or book your visit online.

*Results may vary.